RAWF NewsFlash
Interview With A Superstar
The Superstars


Site run by J.D. Awesome.
Any comments, questions, ideas, or anything else related to the site can be emailed to me.
For those of you who don't know my email its j_d_awesome@msn.com

    I am sad to say that the RAWF has been shut down after 4 years. I was only able to be in the RAWF for a few months but they were a fun few months, then I was forced to momentarily leave the RAWF because of school. I was finally able to make my comeback but found a message on the main page that said that this great federation had been shut down because no one was Role Playing. This is a great disappiontment to me and all of the others, but I will never forget my short run in my first E-Fed. And Chaos if you ever decide to reopen the RAWF I'll be there, you know my email so please don't forget to contact me.
Peace Out............. For Now,
J.D. Awesome

To access the RAWF site go to http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/court/9929

These aren't the ideas or feelings of Prez Chaos so get off his back.